In the heart of hearts, there lies that which nothing could quench : a consideration lengthily, lengthily
indeed, fanned and matured against irresponsiveness and pangs of all sorts; a delicacy culminating in what
is a wondrous sensitiveness in the feminine body and heart; in what man is the cause for, what man is the
indispensable luck of, through his very presence, his own responsiveness, his discretion, his words and gestures
-firmness, strength, aptness, uprightness, energy and the curl of himself round her, in which she may find
herself, rediscover herself, come and be born to herself. Eve after Adam, Lady Chatterley diving into her own
depths before emerging a woman at last from her lover's arms ... A secret-abiding heart, a secret-abiding
hand yet taking a chance and left to the mercy of such a demanding stroke of luck : my sculpture.