wooden rings h.42cm (2005)
détail / vue entière
Anneaux en bois de tilleul portant un plateau de table en verre. Ils viennent de ma formation professionnelle initiale, la menuiserie, et d'un jeu d'anneaux par Henry Moore.

photo Marielle Janvier

"Happy recollections"

You, aspiring to happy harmonies with your heart’s beloved one, to profusions of happiness from each other; you, inclinable to heartily tasting life, you may hesitate between desires and wants, be sensitive to the beauty and sweetness of loving yet vulnerable to its languidness; you, relishing the happy coming of your earthenware creations, your marbles, your bronzes in your hands … be anchored in your happy memories, in the frail traces of harmony along your days, in the slightest ardent reminiscence of yours, in the slightest embers; be anchored in them and do cling to them, be fully attuned to them. Allow compassion, indispensable anamnesis to come into action and, all in all, forego black, grey, obfuscation, let anguish, melancholy be cast-offs, away, away, clear all you can away, shake yourself free of the spoilage of days, give adventure a chance, dare progress on unknown paths, be heedful of whatever may come, of whoever may come, get an insight into the happy turn in them so as to greet it, let the contemplation of a spring, a river, the break of a day and the setting of the sun, of buds and flowers overcome you, allow yourself to be under the spell : beauties, pleasures, desires … something or other, you know not which, but it does not matter as long as you school your attention into spotting what will move you with gratitudes, dazzlements, shared prodigalities –good fortune, happiness, auguries, growth and amplification coming your way. A lifestyle choice it is, and the exact opposite of the general trend which dwells on modern right-thinkingness and current works of art. Those dispositions, that discipline –that art of living, in fact- mean, as you may soon discover, basic health for your body, clear-sightedness in the way you look at things, vigour for your voice, your breath, your sex, your hand, your heart … therefore, your presence at its best when you connect with others, compassion and memory included.
(Translated by Michèle Bustros)