l'envergure L.40cm 82
![](coste2006-p49-1.jpg) " Tu reconnaîtras la vérité de ton chemin
à ce qu'il te rend heureux " (Aristote) |
In this website, and on this webpage, writings and sculptures interrelate, though they came
by turns during my life. In the beginning, sculpture came to me as making up for the words that deserted me :
I was a hoard of silences, restraints, aspirations to an eloquence of my own; I was a debating
being that could not find the words to put it; thus was I, as must be truly said, filled by love,
abounding with quests for sense and bold dashings to express it, eager to instil such boldness
appropriately into my relationships. My marbles occurred in their seduction, their resistance, their demands.
Then came earthenware sculptures, bronzes . Although in a confused manner and unwillingly, I thus developed
the prior and lasting motive of my sculpture, and, ineluctably, its tacit dimension.
With time, the gap got gradually bridged, the edge of "making up" went blunt.
The "turns" reached a point of balance and unified. Words -written, spoken, hushed, gestures and sculptures
were equally demanding and strict; their agreeableness and harmony were on a level too, and so was
| ![](coste2006-p49-2.jpg)
le diedre h.34cm 02
their seduction. Each was the entailing force of the others, each form of expression eventually finding
its own unity and filling in the blanks of the puzzle of the others.
Precisely where my relationships most needed their contribution : profuseness of sense and of profoundness.
(Translated by Michèle Bustros)